Via Hush “An immersive, speed-inspired playground that embraces competition, sensory experiences, and technological greatness to reinforce Nike as the leader of sport while generating excitement, participation, and publicity on the eve of the Olympics.”
Press — PSFK, Fast Company, Adweek, Creativity, Shots, Creative Review, Knstrct, Freshness Mag
Awards — Art Director’s Club, One Show Interactive, Cannes Lion Shortlist, Webby Awards, FWA “Site of the Day”, W3 “Best in Show”, Telly Awards, Interior Design Magazine, AIA Portland, IDSA / IDEA Awards, NY Festivals, Good Design
Press — PSFK, Fast Company, Adweek, Creativity, Shots, Creative Review, Knstrct, Freshness Mag
Awards — Art Director’s Club, One Show Interactive, Cannes Lion Shortlist, Webby Awards, FWA “Site of the Day”, W3 “Best in Show”, Telly Awards, Interior Design Magazine, AIA Portland, IDSA / IDEA Awards, NY Festivals, Good Design